Take Online Surveys For Cash by Steve Phipps
Taking online surveys for cash is a great way to earn some extra income. Prior to starting my own site I spent many years earning a couple thousand dollars a month using free paid survey sites that offer cash rewards for taking surveys, trying products and services and even cash back for shopping at your favorite online retailers.
There are a couple keys to taking online surveys for cash that will dramatically improve you chances of increasing your income.
1. Make sure you rotate your email address every survey or offer. You should have about a dozen free email accounts that you use in rotation when working with these GPT sites.
2. Clear your cookies from your computer after every survey and offer. This only takes a couple seconds and you will be amazed at the impact it has on your pending earnings converting to actual earnings.
3. You have to work the referral programs to make the most out of taking online surveys for cash. Referral programs offer you bonuses based upon the earnings of the people you refer to sign up for the site. My personal system, can be found at http://www.theaffiliatefreeway.com , allowed me to sign up several hundred referrals a month to all of the sites I used for taking online surveys for cash. This will add hundreds of dollars a month to your earnings.
The biggest key is to not get frustrated. Remember this is simply a great and easy way to make some extra money online and it takes a very little bit of your time.
You should never have to spend more than 30 minutes a day to build an extra income of several hundred dollars a month. You will also find that once you have a good referral system in place that you will spend all of your time on referrals and never really have to do any surveys or offers yourself.
About the Author
Steve Phipps is the owner of the popular free online survey and offer site http://www.crazeecash.com
As well as the other of the popular guide to getting referrals that can be found at: http://www.theaffiliatefreeway.com
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