A Great Way To Work At Home With Online Surveys For Cash
By Mark Bray
Answering paid surveys is one of the easiest ways to earn money on line. On the Internet, there are some paid survey sites that charge a one time fee to join. These websites are awesome and pay their clients to take online surveys that are sent to them through e-mail. Usually you can make a lot of money for every 10-15 minute survey that you participate in.
The answers and information that you put into our surveys are gathered together by these survey sites and sent to interested companies. Most often, a certain company will contact these survey sites and request a survey to be performed for the specific market research. Once this is done, then they pay for the answers. An example could be in such a situation as wanting to find out information on the experiences of the regular flyers of the air line company. In order to find out this information, they will contact the survey site and request that they ask questions about peoples flying experiences.
In this request the company will tell the survey site an X amount of dollars to retrieve the answers. Once obtaining this request, the survey company will send out the emails to their survey clients. If you fit the profile that is needed to participate, then you are invited to take the survey. The X amount of dollars are then divided among the participants equally. At that point the answers are then handed over to the company that requested the survey. That is the breakdown on how the paid survey sites operate.
You may ask yourself, how these survey sites go about choosing the right people to take the surveys for the research desired? You wouldn't want to get a mans opinion on information about a brand of women's clothing. When joining the paid survey website, the questions that are asked will determine the information needed to offer the appropriate people the survey. The way they do this is by filling out a "basic Interests profile" when you log onto the website for the first time. The questions that might be asked in this interests profile can be of personal, family, hobbies and any other areas of interest.
With answering a large number of questions with positive answers, you will be invited to take part in more surveys. This is where you will make the money.
You can rest assured that any information that you provide the survey company is done in complete confidence and will not be sold or traded to any non specified third party companies. The questions that are asked are quiet simple and easy to answer, but if you do not feel comfortable about answering certain questions then you do not have to.
You should know that there are many online paid survey companies that require an upfront payment before joining the website. The best paid survey sites are the ones that require a one time fee payment. They are also the ones with the best payout.
The surveys that you will participate in usually take between 10 and 15 minutes to complete. And can be quite an interesting task. Depending on the interest profile that you filled out, the surveys will be sent out in small handfuls a couple of times a week. Most of the surveys that you will take will be multiple choice questions. The money that can be earned from taking these paid surveys is usually about $10 to $75 for every 15 minutes that the survey takes. Today paid surveys are a great way to earn money.
For more information visit: http://www.surveysempire.com
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Mark_Bray
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